
Do you struggle to get your time and priorities organized, not to mention your physical space at work or home? I know I do!

Free Webinar ‘Feeling Overwhelmed? 3 Secrets to Getting Organized for the New Year’ Tuesday January 22nd at 8pm. Register Now below.

I need organizing tools and strategies to help me work efficiently and effectively throughout the year. For example, I use a daytimer and wall scheduler to set my personal and professional priorities, and make adjustments quickly and easily, especially when clients need to change appointments dates, and so on.

However, getting my personal work space (i.e. desk, filing cabinet, briefcase) in order for maintaining things in their proper place for easy retrieval and so on is a constant challenge!

Most of us do not have a knack for organizing…that is why I asked Ruth Silbert to co-host my first webinar of 2013!

Ruth is a Professional Organizer and her private practice is called Organizing Works. She has successfully supported many clients through the transition from stressed and overwhelmed to calm and in control. Ruth will share her three most important organizing secrets to start you on the road to success in 2013!

What I like about Ruth is that she has more than a strength for keeping things organized. She has an uncanny talent for taking on difficult challenges and resolving the inevitable conflicts that arise. For example, she developed her practice after working personally and professionally with ADD/ADHD, learning disabilities, and cognitive or physically-challenged individuals—they feel overwhelmed and disorganized all the time!

You’re in for a real treat in this webinar as Ruth uses her command of words and persuasive powers to help people, like you and me, who struggle with messy offices, or even chronic disorganization (CD). She will show us how to develop organizing strategies based on our specific needs.

What a great way to start the New Year!

Special Offer

Register below for the ‘live’ webinar, Ruth will give you a Free 30 minute phone consultation. Tap into her coaching advice, personal support, and skills expertise to reach and maintain your organizing goals.

Register for Free Webinar

Date : Tuesday January 22nd Time : 8pm Eastern


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