JOBJOY FOR LIFE™ Proven System to Discover & Develop a Career, a Job, a Way of Working That Will Energize You for Life with More Money & Vitality
Stop the Struggle: You Can Earn More, Create Work-Life Balance & Just Live a Better Story!
Imagine how it would feel to get excited about going to work each day!
You work with me one-and-one and with 24/7 access to these proven tools. You go at your speed according to your time and priorities. And you do it all in an affordable and efficient manner (more about that too…later.)
First, I’d like to show you just how I took my career (and the careers of hundreds of individual clients) from a vague or general yearning for more passion, more joy, more vitality out of work & life…and turned that impulse into a way of living.
I’ve been through several job changes and career changes myself. For example, I moved from Vancouver to Saskatoon, from there to Australia, then back to Canada after 5 years…each time without the prospect of a job, and each time I landed a stimulating and/or lucrative position.
Unlike 99% of career experts, I don’t expect you to do what I haven’t already done. I’ve been through a systematic career change, I’ve done the hard work of assessment, and job search. I know exactly what you’re going through and what you can expect along the way. I’ve been there myself. And I wrote about it in my book JobJoy: Finding Your Right Work Through the Power of Your Personal Story. I’m not hiding anything or pretending to be something I’m not. I know of what I speak and I put myself on the line to show you!
From: Certified Career Professional, Job Change Expert, Career Passion Consultant, George Dutch
To: Dear Fellow Human Being who Desires More Joy out of Life,
- Do you feel like you have PLATEAUED in your present position?
- Do you DREAD getting up in the morning to face another workday?
- Are you BURNED OUT, wondering if your work really counts?
- Are you SEARCHING for meaningful work that gives a sense of purpose?
- Do you feel UNDEREMPLOYED?
- Are you are on SICK leave?
- Do you want to change jobs but feel STUCK?
- Do you FEAR you don’t know what else you could do for a living?
- Do you push your passions to the PERIPHERY of your life?
- Do you feel like a SLAVE to mediocrity?
- Are you just COASTING until retirement, death or you win the lottery― whichever comes first?
If so, I feel your pain. I’ve been there myself. In fact, we are not alone. Psychology Today, the Menninger Clinic, The American Management Association, and other eminent organizations estimate as many as 90% of the working population is not in their right work. And we all know that depression is now the #1 workplace disability in North America.
If you’re in this situation, it is not your fault!
We tend to do things because that is the expected thing to do. We’ve been told to go to school to get good grades, in order to get into a good university and get a good degree in order to get a good job and live a good life. We follow this formula.
Sometimes it works, much of the time it doesn’t. Why? Studies show that most individuals are motivated by extrinsic drivers early in their lives, i.e. to get a secure job, get married, raise a family—do what is expected of us. Nothing wrong with it.
What is true for university is true for trade school, the family business or the military—we conform to the norms of societal expectations, rather than finding out how our personal priorities and our public contributions can be combined through work to create a meaningful life.
But then life smacks us between the eyes—job loss, aging, divorce, death of a loved one, new values, new aspirations—and we start to question our values and priorities.
It’s just normal adult development after the age of thirty to re-order our priorities around intrinsic drivers, such as our deepest values and highest aspirations.
I prefer to let my clients speak for themselves. Their voice might be your voice. Here’s Maria, who had been doing the same thing for similar companies for five years, so she thought the problem must be her. It didn’t matter what company she had been in. She had been in three companies and had the same negative experience.
“It was like the movie GROUNDHOG DAY. I’d wake up every morning and it was the same, day after day.” And to make it worse, she said all of her friends were envious of her good jobs.
“Something that’s making me feel even crazier is I am really good at my job. Everyone really loves my work,” she said. “I’m making great money. I have a nice house. I’m highly employable. I look like a success. All my friends think I’m the poster child for English majors. I’m being rewarded for the work I’m doing, so it must be the right work. But if this is success, I’m going to die very young.”
Perhaps, you feel just like Maria, you’ve been doing what you’re doing now for so long that you have no idea what else you can do?
Or, perhaps, you are good at doing many things, but you have no idea how that translates into jobs or careers or work?
Or, you’ve done so many different jobs, you don’t know what’s left?
Or, you’re wondering if there’s something “bigger” you should be doing with your life?
In any case, you are confused or lost about what to do in terms of work.
But, you do know that you want work that is more, more satisfaction, more stimulation, more joy…something that taps into your passion…if you only knew what that was!
Are you ready to change your life? And start working naturally and effortlessly so that you get ENERGIZED by your job instead of drained, dumbed out, dumped on, or dead-ended?
- Learn how your Key Success Factors provide clues to your right work.
- Learn how to mine and map these factors to give specific job matches that will give you financial stability and job satisfaction.
- Learn how others transformed their job misfits into six figure incomes with work-life balance! Without necessarily going back to school.
- Learn the secrets of successful job change and apply them to your life with proven tools and techniques in a systematic, deliberate and intentional manner that guarantees a new career, a better life!
“I did a JobJoy Report assessment with George about 5 years ago. His analysis changed my life. That was extremely emotional for me. It was probably the most profound insight anyone had given me about myself. It was very profound. I love working with George! I love the story analysis approach, and his solid advice. So last year, I joined George’s JobJoy Bootcamp to learn and apply the job search tools and techniques to get a job, and in December made a renewed commitment to “get a job.”
She used my personalized, customized JobJoy For Life service to fashion an accurate work identity, re-package herself, and implement my suggestions in an efficient and effective manner to hit her job target…within 5 months!!!! (after 17 years as a stay-at-home mom!!!), she landed a lucrative position as a Project Specialist in Strategic Initiatives for a national medical organization that helps MDs manage their business and finances—great salary and benefits—and got the job without further education or training! You can do it too! (Click here to read Maureen’s full Story.) What I’ve found is my clients are made up of individuals, like Maureen, who are looking for the next pieces of the puzzle and would like help in completing all the necessary steps to achieving their goals. See…we all need some help along the way…what I’ve found is most people take the steps needed with more confidence, and quicker, when they have a proven system to follow and a personal guide who helps take the doubt and the uncertainty out of the process. In a nutshell, JobJoy For Life™ is ‘the silver bullet’ to change your career, and your life. Just like it did for Maureen. It’s been developed from the knowledge and experience I have acquired over the past 20 years going through my own career transition and the feedback I’ve received from hundreds of clients that have made successful transitions. |
Why is it so hard to make the transition?
Here’s what I have observed over the years. Many people start researching options for transitioning to a career. Let’s take Barry, a typical client who completed a JobJoy Report. He has a comfortable secure government job that he hates. His mind has two contradictory goals: he wants the vitality offered by a new career that better fits his authentic self, but he wants to avoid financial insecurity.
Although Barry wants a new career, as he starts to explore it, some of the tension is relieved but his fear of financial insecurity increases. Therefore, in order to avoid a future that might be financially insecure, he stops taking action because to take action and move out of his comfortable government job into a new career means he might end up financially insecure – damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t—the classic double bind.
If you are in the same kind of position, then this service is for you! In my experience of working with individuals for the past 20 years, I have seen this oscillating pattern persist for a decade in many cases. Furthermore, what happens over time is that the frequency of this movement between the two poles—in this case Barry’s desire for financial security and his desire for more vitality in life — attenuates until the individual actually stops wanting what they want, and stops striving to attain it. At this point, they are literally “stuck” in the career trap. If you are stuck, I strongly encourage you to join JobJoy For Life™.
Stop believing it’s not possible to you to get out of the career trap. It is!
When we find ourselves in a double bind, each of us has a choice: we can remain in the structure and find a way to cope with its negative effects on our health and well-being, or we can get out of it. Getting out of the career trap means choosing what you really, really want.
This is the core concept around which JobJoy For Life™ is organized, and the basis of the service—liberating you from the career trap and into a new career that gives you the freedom and security to be who and what you are in terms of your right work.
It will help you explore the career options that fit you best — employment, self-employment, or entrepreneurship. You will then develop a vision for your new future, and an action plan to get you there!
Further, you will take actions with all the confidence and courage required to help you find the happiness, and success, you’re after!
In short, my objective with JobJoy For Life™ is to help you make a career transition as quickly and easily as possible by guiding your work and ensuring you are taking the most effective and efficient steps at all times! Just like it did for these clients (and so many more)…
Tony Vetter was a telecom product manager who wanted a career that better matched his for “values-rich work.” But he was skeptical about his ability to replicate his significant income by doing such work in the nonprofit sector. I guided him through this system to a new job that uses his hi-tech skills to foster sustainable development in emerging and developing economies around the world. “I have always instinctively felt that following my heart would lead me to making my best possible contribution to the world,” says Tony. “George helped me to identify the kind of work I most valued through the telling of my life stories for which I felt a sense of consistent satisfaction or events I particularly enjoyed.” |
Click here to read Tony’s story :
Your career decision-making will be more effective with an accurate and reliable picture of your key success factors. And to really nail down the essence of who and what you are in terms of work when you are doing what you enjoy most and doing it well. And it will help you to communicate to others with clarity and confidence what that is.
Sometimes the transition is sideways, working in the same space but in an entirely different job, one that better harmonizes you’re your key success factors. Take the case of Kanwal Sarai. After 12 years as a software tester with a large telecom company, Kanwal was “bored, unfulfilled, frustrated and unmotivated.” He needed to make a career change if he were to find professional fulfillment.
“Upon reviewing my stories, George’s assessment was 100% accurate,” says Kanwal. “Having him articulate my natural abilities and talents was a big eye opener for me. He identified me as an innovation evangelist, a person who is a great communicator, able to take complicated technologies, products and services and explain and present to people in a clear concise manner. I was a natural communicator who would do well in training, marketing or product management roles. This was big news to me.”
He now works with Product Management, conducting and leading live training sessions, and working on marketing materials related to a state-of-the-art telecom equipment used by law enforcement agencies and intelligence communities. “I reconnected with the essence of who and what I am in terms of my right work,” he says. “George was a fantastic help in identifying my natural talents and abilities. He was extremely helpful in providing me with a road map, but I was the one who had to drive.” Kanwal was recently promoted to a position with more responsibility and “held accountable for bigger decisions. The job continues to get better and I look forward to going into work each day,” he says. “Each day brings on new challenges and the opportunity to make a positive impact in the world.” |
Click here to read Kanwal’s story :
Some people grow out of their job. Where it was once stimulating and challenging, the job is now boring, mundane and predictable. They want a big change. They want to move overseas! Take the case of Taba Cookey. She now travels all over Africa and has to deal with different personalities in differing cultures representing a new international financial institution called the Africa Finance Corporation. “The other day I went through the life stories I had written and the analysis you had done four years ago now, and was amazed at the way it has all come together in my present job,” said Taba. “It is really quite uncanny. But then again perhaps not, since you had so accurately identified the kind of work and environment that would give me ‘jobjoy’ and I have finally found it. It is not surprising that I can now say without hesitation that I have never enjoyed work so much, and…yes, feel fortunate that I am actually getting paid for it. I come to work every day with a sense of anticipation, and hardly know where the time has gone at the end of the day. I actually have to tear myself away! This is such a change from so much of my previous life spent clock watching and day dreaming at work.” |
Click here to read Taba’s story :
At other times, a career transition is a radical shift. Take the case of Nigel Harris. He was an engineer for over 20 years, and spent many days soldering circuit boards. He always had a love for music but thought he was doomed to career pain.
“I am truly honored to be able to earn my daily bread singing and playing and being in close relationship with some of the most loving, open and playful people on the planet.” Nigel says his days are full of miracles. He loves the way music touches his clients in a way that nothing else can. Nigel reflects, “It was not an easy process to go through, no quick fix, and I can see why many people choose to resign to their present situation rather than surrender to the terrors of the unknown. What excites me is that now I can see that doing what you love for a living IS available to everyone who surrenders to the process, admits that their way is not working and… asks for help!” |
Click here to read Taba’s story :
Others have followed theJobJoy For Life™ action plan of a JobJoy Report to achieve a great jobfit. You can too!
I will answer the questions: What are the natural talents you use and consistently bring satisfaction to you when you are doing what you enjoy most and doing it well? What is the subject matter that you gravitate to without even trying? What circumstances or conditions have to exist in the job environment to bring out the best in you? How do you naturally build relationships with others? How do these key threads of your life come together to form an essential motivation that runs through your life like a vein of gold? Answering these critical questions is what I do and, by doing so, I put you on the path to career success, to living a better story!
There are many elements of your pattern that need to be identified and defined in order to create an Ideal Job Description and correlate it to specific opportunities in the world of work. I will create a complete picture of your motivational pattern. This picture of you is then harnessed to an Action Plan that uses your natural strengths and motivations to leverage you into real jobs.
DON’T BE ONE OF THE MISEMPLOYED, UNDEREMPLOYED, OR UNEMPLOYED. Here’s some startling statistics. Neither diet nutrition nor exercises; neither intelligence nor genes will be the number one determinant of how long you will live. According to a recent study conducted by the British Medical Association, the greatest deciding factor in how long you will live is job satisfaction! And that’s not all. If you average only $30,000 per year, you will have earned $1.2 million in 40 years. In other words, we are all millionaires in our lifetimes. But eminent organizations such as the American Management Association and the Menninger Clinic estimate that as much as 90% of North America’s working population is not in their right work with tremendous consequences to their personal health and quality of life. Did you know that some 58% of employees who work 30 years or more in a job they hate never collect their first pension check? Do you want to gamble with odds like that? Furthermore, how many collect a pension for one year or less then die, or two years, or five years? What’s your limit for the trade-off between career pain and pension?
LIVE LONG AND PROSPER THROUGH JOB JOY! Wake up every morning with more passion and purpose in your life! No more Monday morning blues! No more “working for the weekend” or countless hours of wishing you’d stayed in bed! No more boring days coasting to uneasy retirement and wasting precious years of your life that are leading to an uncertain future! The future of your career life is at stake! To what degree do YOU care about the lack of spontaneity or creativity in YOUR work, and to what degree are you willing to change anything in this area, assuming it is possible to do so? Imagine. For the cost of a few car payments, you can add value to your quality of life (unlike a car, which costs even more money as soon as you drive it off the lot). This information gives you the power to create money for yourself.
How the JobJoy For Life™ Will Be Delivered To You, and What You’ll Get!
As I mentioned, the great thing about this program is that anyone can take it… from anywhere!
JobJoy For Life™ is an online job change or career transition program that allows you to go at your speed according to your needs and priorities. Most people (and studies) have found that E-learning is not only more convenient and allows for more flexibility, it’s actually found to be more effective, and structured, then face-to-face counseling.
Most importantly, it keeps the costs down and more effective! Instead of paying for travel and accommodations, and trying to jam weeks of knowledge into a one or two day seminar (as most seminars tend to be set up), this one works where you are. This is beneficial because JobJoy For Life™ is a doing program, and is organized completely on taking action to get you into your right work as quickly as possible!
When you sign up to JobJoy For Life™ , be ready to meet your goals because this system is developed around proven tools and techniques, based on my personal experience as a job changer, as a job change expert for the past 20 years, and on scientific evidence. For example, a major research study employing 7725 participants and 62 career intervention studies (Brown, Ryan & Krane 2000), concluded that the number one critical ingredient for improving the effectiveness of career decision-making was written exercises and workbooks. So, JobJoy For Life™ is organized around 5 modules that are guaranteed to deliver success to you.
MODULE 1 – HEART WORK – Identifying your Key Success Factors through proven assessment tools and techniques
MODULE 2 – HEAD WORK – Matching your Individual Passion Pattern & Key Success Factors to specific jobs in specific work settings that will recognize, reward and motivate you for what you do naturally & effortlessly.
MODULE 3 – LEG WORK – Targeting specific employers and breaking into the hierarchy of hiring to get the best jobs now through packaging and presenting your value for the needs and priorities of employers
MODULE 4 – WEB WORK – Positioning your personal brand online to trigger hiring professionals to call you with opportunities.
MODULE 5 – LIFE WORK – Developing and implementing a plan for continued jobjoy and career advancement for yourself and your children.
Specifically, JobJoy For Life™ will:
- Follow proven tools and techniques for transition (each participant will get copies of my books as part of the course!)
- take specific actions HEARTwork, HEADwork, LEGwork, WEBwork, and LIFEwork
- use simple handouts/worksheets
- ability to ask Qs in live sessions
- unlimited access to recorded information sessions for each module
- start at a point best suited, and customized to you, so you can start making progress right away (rather than wait for the class to ‘catch up’ to where you are — you get going from day 1)
- include a bimonthly tele-coaching calls, split into two parts: #1) focus on an action area the participants can be using to move forward; and #2) live coaching session dealing with issues specific to each participant; and
- include 1 hour one-on-one sessions each month with George, depending on each participants needs during that month
Everyone will go at their own pace, and this combination of a group tele-class, plus individual service according to needs and priorities of each participant, is an effective and powerful method for your career transition.
Once you register for the system, you will get access to a Hub where you can access all the materials Module by Module, and work through steps according to your preferences and priorities.
The end result is
George will coach you in developing a solid plan of action. You will build your visibility and credibility in your targeted career sector, so you will not only make a solid career move now, but also have connections for further career advancement!
How’s that sound? Pretty good I’m guessing, but there’s even more benefits to being part of JobJoy For Life™!
Our work together one-on-one, and in group sessions online, as we work through each of the Five Modules listed above could include (but not be limited to!) actions that:
- Determine and set objectives for types of positions for which you are presently qualified
- Establish both ideal and realistic short and long-range objectives
- Plan a marketing program
- Develop a powerful and effective résumé and/or marketing portfolio
- Identify markets and industries
- Assist in establishing a contact list of appropriate level key decision makers
- Evaluate results of exploratory interviews to decide and clarify career choices
- Prepare for all interviews, as well as handling sensitive issues that may come up
- Learn how to use LinkedIn as a business networking tool to connect with hiring managers in targeted organizations
- Create an online presence through social media tools
- Learn time management skills
- Learn about dress and image
- Plan effective interview techniques
- Review and assess job offers
- Provide salary negotiation and benefits advice
- Learn to navigate office politics and organizational dynamics to advance your career
- Assist your teens and young adults to make good decisions about education and career
- Establish and maintain work-life balance and job joy in your life
… and to get you there, you will receive:
- Clarity and increased confidence to act on your career decisions
- Understanding of what it is exactly that you have in the way of natural talents and how they apply to what employers want
- How those valuable talents translate into specific job duties that can be matched with those in specific organizations
- Guidance from results that are reliable, accurate, constant, and enduring they don’t change with circumstances
- The ability to make career decisions more clearly, easily, and confidently
- Interaction with other talented and intelligent people with all kinds of knowledge and contacts related to your goals
- A stimulating and enjoyable monthly tele-class that will keep you accountable, on track, and in tune with effective actions
- A personal 1 hr. consultation each month
- Unlimited phone consultations of 15 min. or less to access my knowledge, experience and connections
- Unlimited email consultations Q & A sessions
- Deliverables, e.g. approach letters, resume, promo letters, cover letter, scripts, etc.
Phew! Yup… that’s a lot — but your career, and future, deserves it. As I said, this isn’t just setting you up for just a career change, but preparing you for future career advancement down the road. This will change everything!
Why do it in a group setting (and why do it at all)?
I have been helping others through career transitions for almost 20 years. Like you, they sought stability and comfort. But the simple fact is that any transition involves discomfort, uncertainty, and risk before you can get to the other side in a new career, in a new life, where you can once again enjoy stability.
Again and again, I have seen the character arc of transition change my clients for the better. Overcoming obstacles makes us better people, helps us live a better story, a bigger story!
Plain and simple, it is easier to go through that transition with others.
Previous clients join the live online sessions and share their tips on making a successful transition.
I urge you to take this opportunity to share your journey with other very talented individuals, full of the same passion you have! Together, we will learn so much from each other; together we will overcome obstacles, establish new careers that are more fulfilling, and better harmonize with our deepest values and highest ambitions — just like I’ve done for hundreds of others over the past 20 year.
Get off the Treadmill and Start Earning Money & Having Fun Doing So
The great thing is… you can participate from anywhere in the world! That was one of the goals for this program…this isn’t a 3-day seminar where you have to spend time and money travelling and out of your environment. This is a ‘learn and do’ program that works with you, and you’ll want to be ‘on the ground’ implementing everything you learn immediately.
“The whole culture has changed as far a getting a new job. You don’t just send in your resume. Now you have to create your new job. You have to go to somebody and convince them that they need your unique services and they create a job for you. You have to be very proactive. We create our lives. But it’s hard to do it alone. It’s not like somebody like George does it for us. He’s kind like a midwife. We have to do the work. But it helps a lot to have a midwife. To help you have confidence in yourself. It can be pretty tricky when somebody is going through a period with doubt and questions about the future and their next move.”
Claudine Guiet, Health Educator & Video Promotions Producer, Ottawa |
For an experience of joy and personal growth – join JobJoy For Life™ online with wonderful people committed to discovering and developing more passion and work-life balance in their lives. Take some time over the next year or so to nourish your body, mind and soul through this proven program.
• Gain clarity about your right work.
• Develop confidence to move into it.
• Acquire tools to “realize” what really matters to you about work and life!
We will deal with and work through:
• Everyday, practical issues and challenges related to your career.
• Deeper, core issues and concerns that you feel may be blocking
Your career advancement and highest aspirations for your life.
“Our sessions enabled me to start on a path of inner enlightenment. I was able to realize the importance of my personal story. I recognized the power is within myself to experience Job Joy. Thanks for launching me on a fascinating journey.”
– Tom Mitchell, Real Estate Developer |
Why you would choose JobJoy For Life™
- You feel uninspired by your current job.
- You’re tired of being ‘reasonably’ happy or ‘reasonably’ productive.
- A rut is a coffin with the ends knocked out …and you’re in it up to your eyeballs!
- You want a different kind of life…fun mixed with meaning, purpose, and direction.
- To experience passion and joy!
- To join with others committed to a better jobfit.
- You want to develop the inner peace to deal with the ups and downs of your career.
- Free up your innate creative resources.
- Gain a sense of meaning to your professional life.
- To play big—not small—with your deepest values and highest aspirations.
- Live more abundantly in terms of spirit, joy, love, and material wealth.
- To celebrate your life with people who appreciate you.
“My business and family are both stronger and happier today because George cared enough to work with me through some of the toughest issues of my life. He has an uncanny ability to cut to the core of an issue and focus on realistic options for the future.”
Jack Vanderstar, PEng, Kelowna |
So… how much will this cost?
When anyone thinks about hiring me to help them make a better career, and future, for themselves, obviously they will always associate a cost with my services. Of course, but have you ever thought about how much it’s costing you if you don’t take action? Have you considered the true price of your inaction?
How much you’re paying right now to not have a good job fit? You might not even realize it, but obviously all choices have consequences. We all pay a price for not changing careers to a better jobfit, and those costs are usually:
- Your health, including your mental, physical, and often your spiritual health
- What you may be teaching your kids, and spouse, about what to ‘settle’ for in life
- Your stress, and plainly your enjoyment of life!
Think about the last time you smiled — the last time you felt content. Think about the last time you felt fulfilled.
I don’t know about you, but years ago I did the math for myself and I realized that I HAD to make a career change, however frightening it felt, because it was costing me a lot more to stay in my current situation then it did to change! I was throwing away my life… my energy… my self-respect.
Now… having been through it myself, I’ll now ask you the same thing — if you think you can’t afford a career change, what’s it costing you to stay put? The cost of inaction, when you truly think about, will probably make your head spin.
So, now much do you expect to pay for the opposite of staying put?
What would you pay for absolute clarity, focus, and direction in your career? What would you pay for something that is as priceless as your quality of life? What price would you, or anyone, put on your peace of mind? On knowing the joy of doing what you want to do… what you love to do (what you, even, need to do)?
If you’re currently making $80,000 a year (or more!) in a job you hate, would you pay $10,000 to get out of it and into a job fit for you? Would you pay $5,000?
JobJoy For Life™, available exclusively from me, George Dutch, and only to my clients, and is offered at a special investment of ONLY $2499. In addition, you can spread the payments over 12 months on your credit card to make it easier on your budget! That’s a monthly payment of only $208.25.*
How’s that for cheap career insurance? Think of it in these terms: if you had a $200,000 house you’d insure it. If you had a $200,000 investment portfolio, you’d hire a financial advisor to insure its growth.
Why, then, does society encourage do-it-yourself careers?
Compared to other investments, your career is worth a hundred times as much! And more! But people balk at spending a few grand on the care and feeding of this goose that lays the golden egg!
Economically speaking, this is a no-brainer! At average earning of only $50,000 a year for 30 years, you’re talking about $1.5 million in career earning, plus earnings needed to generate a retirement income of fifty thousand dollars a year for ten to fifteen years.
You owe it to yourself to put your career investment in perspective. This isn’t like other investments meant to earn a 3-10 percent return; this is an investment in the very source of all of your 1.5 to 4.5 million-dollar life earnings.
Think of this: how many people do you know who own a pet, and how many have a career consultant? Notice that people are more willing to put $3000 into pet care than into getting the help they need to derive the most satisfaction out of this single most important–and potentially, most lucrative–aspect of their lives, the one thing that makes all other investments possible in the first place!
Your career is a money tree; if you water and fertilize it, you’ll reap huge rewards. I hope you’ve seen the light and the logic of investing in a simple exercise in order to reap a ten-to hundred-time return on your investment.
While this is obviously a considerable investment, it’s very reasonable compared to what you can
earn once you are employed. In fact, you will recover this fee in your first month of employment—that’s a tremendous ROI!
In addition, I am so confident in these proven tools and techniques that I have used personally to build and develop my own career, as well as the careers of hundreds of clients, that I am offering you a Money Back Guarantee. That’s right, I’ll refund the full amount of my JobJoy For Life Proven System. If you show me that you complete all the exercises and use the tools as recommended, and you still have not made a job or career change, you get your money back…plain and simple.
Now, as I mentioned earlier, membership in this first program is limited to a small group of no more than 10 people. This is so I can make sure you get all the personalized training, support and attention you deserve.
I’ve set it up so the payments (the fee plus the percentage) are conveniently split up over 12 months. And it’s even more reasonable when you consider the value of all the proven tools and techniques you can plug in and profit from… the experiences to be shared by other clients, including JobJoy grads who have made successful career changes…the qualified leads that are handed to you…and the in-depth training and support that delivers all of this to you in a turn-key, ready to go format.
At the same time, you will be expected to take part in all aspects of the program and actually implement what you learn. And I reserve the right to revoke the membership of anyone who isn’t participating. But I doubt that will ever happen with anyone who is serious enough to become a member of this program.
Here’s what to do next
If you’re intrigued by what you’ve heard so far, I recorded a webinar where I laid out examples of the tools I use and some details on the program, describe all of the modules for you, and answered live questions.
To listen to the recording of this webinar, just click this link:
IMPORTANT: Please do NOT submit your name if you aren’t extremely serious about this program or if you can’t afford it. Because the participation will be so limited and will require a significant amount of my personal time, I’d prefer only to hear back from you if you’re truly serious.
Also, there will not be any scholarships or “creative financing” deals available for this program. There will be the affordable payment plan I mentioned above, but this still requires paying the entire fee over time.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you enjoy the webinar.
George Dutch
Next Steps – Get Started Now
For immediate access to the JobJoy For Life™ Hub that contains all the instructions and exercises, click the Purchase button below, make your payment, and I will send you the link and password to get you started on the Modules.
OR, if you prefer to REGISTER in person, call me, George Dutch, at 613-563-0584 or toll free 1-800-798-2696 or email:
All the Details
The program is led exclusively by me, George Dutch — you will work directly with me for 100% of the program!
You have access to all the Modules, tools, and services for 12 months to assist you with a proven career change process! You go at your speed according to your needs and priorities.. I am always available to assist you. Also, with my permission, the course can be renewed for another 6 months at NO extra cost if anything happens in your life that requires a break from the porgram, e.g. loss of a loved one, lengthy illness, divorce.
Monthly Group Coaching Calls are held usually on Mondays daytime 3pm & evenings 8:00 PM (Eastern Time) . Times will be posted in the Hub. Calls are recorded for future reference, so even if you miss a session, you can listen to the replay!
Where: All via phone, email, Internet, etc. — you go through the program from the comfort of your own surroundings, and progress at times most convenient to you (except for the optional monthly ‘live’ group coaching sessions). I would like you to have Skype so that we can meet face-to-face online, or talk by phone.
You can schedule your one-on-one monthly sessions with me through TungleMe, or by calling me at 613-563-0584 or toll free 1-800-798-2696 or email:
Finally… why will you succeed?
Simply, because you are already a success in life.
Yes, you may have been knocked down for a bit. And, yes, I know you may not feel like a success at every point in your life, but JobJoy For Life™ will remind you of this simple fact: you have been successful in life previously; and you will be successful again! Especially with a system like this, helping you, and helping others, achieve the same goal — meaningful career change!
I know this because I refuse to define success in narrow financial terms. I define success in terms of finances, yes — but also (and probably more importantly!), in terms of health, energy, confidence, courage, self-respect, happiness, and peace of mind… to name a few.
Each of these aspects of life adds to our quality of life — and finding your right work will help you in all those areas. I know you know this as well as I, as we’ve all tasted that success in the natural talents, strengths, and motivations we all have. Now let’s put those to work in your life and get you the true, well-rounded success you deserve!
Because you can change your job in six months, with financial security and job satisfaction! I know, because I’ve seen it first-hand hundreds times! Helping people like you achieve this is my JobJoy — I was JobJoy’s first customer!
And with that, I’ve saved hundreds of careers, including my own, from a trash heap of broken dreams. That’s what brings me JobJoy — I’ve discovered exactly what works, and what doesn’t work, when it comes to saving your work life.
Those same simple strategies can work for you too… I know because they’ve worked for thousands of people just like you. Your situation is not unique, and more importantly your situation is NOT hopeless!
The strategies I use have been developed over the last 20 years working with people like you in all kinds of situations and circumstances… and now I can help you change your current situation, and life, too!
Now, you must take the next step.
This is important… you have to take some constructive action right away, or the very thing you fear most (a roller-coaster work life of frustration, boredom, and no hope for better things) will come true, and your situation will be hopeless.
Remember, everything you do right now is either helpful or harmful, and the most “conventional” attitudes and actions often put you further into a hole that gets harder to climb out of.
That’s why if you have seen yourself described in any of my above information (and you probably have if you’ve read this far!), you should register NOW because the course is limited to only 6 participants… and with about 1,500 on my mailing list, I expect it to fill up fast.
Call me at 613-563-0584 or toll free at 1-800-798-2696, or email:…but you’ve got to take the first step so we can get going on your new life. I look forward to hearing from you today!
* For Canadian residents: if you or your spouse has Extended Health Care coverage, you can claim my services as a certified Naturopath/Naturotherapist dealing with job stress. How’s that for JobJoy!